When the large dust collector manufacturers got fat and happy, BlueSky started reinventing
Industrial dust collectors haven't changed much in the last 50 years. Until now. Of all industrial dust collector manufacturers, only BlueSky offers SmartBox™ Technology. This innovation lies at the heart of its new, patented, dust collector. BlueSky has dust collectors available for all applications, from 1,000CFM up to 60,000CFM (maximum dust-collecting capacity 10 yards between clean-outs). Integrated HEPA filtration options available for asbestos, lead, and other toxic dust or fume.
are everywhere. You find them attached to the outside walls of process and manufacturing facilities (picture below).
Also in use everywhere are the mobile dust collectors we encounter where repair-work is done on viaducts and bridges (picture below).
And what exactly is a SmartBox® module? Well, it borrows functionality ideas from inkjet printers and coffeemakers.
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The use of the SmartBox® module removes the risks associated with the handling of hazardous dust. It also eliminates the need to manually change dirty filters.
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An estimated 26%–53% of COPD can be attributed to occupational exposures
National surveys have shown that exposure to dust, grain dust, organic dust, inorganic dust, fumes, hydrogen sulfide, diesel exhaust, environmental tobacco smoke, and chemicals increases the risk for COPD morbidity and mortality. — CDC (Centers for Disease Control)

Fixed-installation machines, offered by other dust collector manufacturers collect dust in hoppers below the machine. From the hoppers the dust is released into drums. When the drums are full, the captured dust is disposed of. The disposal process poses potential health and contamination risks. Filter change-outs are cumbersome (filters are located in the top compartments, ladders/lifts are needed).
Mobile dust collectors typically have their ducting inlets located high up, which creates a variety of safety and operational problems. Dust is collected in the lower area of the machine and has to be conveyed out so that it can be containerized and disposed of, adding a serious risk of spillage. Filter compartments can only be reached from the roof, which makes filter change-outs a nightmare.
The BlueSky® dust collector is unique because it can be used as a mobile dust collector as well as a “fixed-installation” dust collector. However, what really sets it apart is its patented SmartBox® technology, somewhat akin to ink cartridges for printers and pods used in coffeemakers. Dust and filters are contained inside the SmartBox. Nobody has to ever touch the collected dust or dirty filters.
Mobile dust collector vs. fixed installation dust collector
Mobile dust collectors and fixed installation dust collectors do exactly the same thing, yet they are totally different machines. Well, not anymore. BlueSky has developed an industrial dust collector that removes the distinction between mobile and fixed. SmartBox® Technology makes it work.

"Going from inventing medical devices to developing a new concept in dust collecting seems crazy. How did it happen? While I was running my thermal spray company Amstar (now owned by GE), I faced challenging issues with rented dust collectors. From unwieldy filter change-outs to PPE and spillages—it was always a big mess. There had to be a better way... and judging from the reactions of our enthusiastic customers, I think I found it!"
Dr. Michael W. Seitz
CEO, Founder
For a greener planet, and a healthy work environment BlueSky leads the way
SmartBox® Technology
BlueSky® dust collectors can be outfitted with a variable number of SmartBoxes.
A SmartBox® module contains the filters and it's where the dust is collected. When the SmartBox is full, it's disposed of in its entirety.
SmartBox® modules remain completely sealed off during use and disposal. This eliminates the risk of spillage (the dust and filters are never handled or touched) which keeps you out of the crosshairs of OSHA and the EPA.
Because both the BlueSky® dust collector, as well as its integrated disposal system (SmartBox® module) are patented, other industrial dust collector manufacturers can't offer it.
Modular, Customizable and a Whole Lot More
The modular design of a BlueSky® dust collector allows it to be configured as desired through the exchange of key components. Because of its horizontal design, these changes, as well as ducting connections, can be made from the ground, with the aid of a stepladder.
A BlueSky® industrial dust collector can be used as a single-stage dust collector or, with a Hepa filtration module, as a true dual-stage filtration dust collector.
BlueSky® dust collectors used as fixed installations don't require any foundation or floor attachments.
Industrial dust collectors tailored to your specific needs
About Us
BlueSky® Global LLC is currently the only company in the world that manufactures and distributes patented* Industrial dust-collection systems equipped with SmartBox® Technology.
Because of the worldwide trend of tightening environmental laws, this patented* solution has been hailed as the most practical and cost-effective on the market today.
*includes Europe, China, India and other countries
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